Monday, 1 September 2008

"A Long time ago, in a galaxy far far away".. Starwars Geekcakes

Ahh Starwars. The original trilogies are fondly regarded by an entire generation of Geeks. Star Wars, first release in 1977, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back,  first released in 1980, and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, released in 1983

The saga of Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, Yoda, and other unforgettable characters inspires lots of geekcakes, and below are what I think is a choice selection:

Firstly, Adam and Rae loved Starwars so much that they decided their wedding cake should be  a chocolate Jabba-The-Hut. 

Found via 


Of all the characters that you could make into cakes I would have thought that Jabba was the most un-appealing figure, but this cutout section shows the chocolately goodness. 


Over at Confectionary Delights, the talented cake creator Michele, has created  a cakey tribute to the scenes depicting Han Solo frozen in Carbonate:




Finally (and only because this post is getting to be on the longer side):  

Also originally found via the greatwhitesnark blog

The torso is cake covered with buttercream, and dressed with fondant clothing, arms, and feet. The ’skull’ is made of “brown crunch,” which is like Rice Krispies Treats. But… brown. Fondant makes up the features of the head, including those distinctively-Yoda-ish ears.

The creator has her own blog which gives you step by step instructions on how to create your own Yoda cake here:

The new trilogies: The Phantom Menace - 1999,  Attack of the Clones - 2002, and Revenge of the Sith - 2005, have  not inspired any geekcakes that I've been able to find, but there must be some out there, and if I find any I shall be sure to share them with you.

See you Wednesday!

1 comment:

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