Originally airing from 1997 until 2003, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series seems to be Marmite TV for geeks. People either seem to love it or hate it, but everyone is aware of it.
Up until a few days ago, I had not seen even one Buffy geekcake in all my image searching, and then the Flickr group Special Day Cakes produced this crafted piece:
Check out the Flickr link above for a nice gallery of (mostly non geek) cake, but one lovely Tardis
*If you don't know what the TV series was all about, this link should help, and here is the Wikipedia entry.
Up until a few days ago, I had not seen even one Buffy geekcake in all my image searching, and then the Flickr group Special Day Cakes produced this crafted piece:
Check out the Flickr link above for a nice gallery of (mostly non geek) cake, but one lovely Tardis
*If you don't know what the TV series was all about, this link should help, and here is the Wikipedia entry.
That's all for today folks. See you Monday, when I have some exceptional cookie treats to share with you ..