Monday, 29 September 2008

xkcd on a cake! xkcd geekcake!

Ahh, the humble web-comic. Although some are geekier than others, anyone who spends any significant amount of time online has a favourite one.

According to Wikipeda, the medium has only been around since the late 1980's. I'm not so sure about that, but I do know that one of the most fondly regarded web-comics currently in existence is (probably) xkcd.

It's uber geek (and proud of it), and mixes biting sarcasm with multi layered humour about high level maths, academia, physics, all thinks geek, and the authors musings on life, love and what it is to be human.

As you may have gathered I'm a little bit of a fan.

So I was delighted when I stumbled across a gorgeously iced xkcd cake which recreated an entire comic, over at the Google-centric blog Googlified.


Unfortunately this is the biggest picture I can find. Original comic link here:

[If you have any more info, about the creation of this iced gem, please do drop me an email at my gmail address]

That's it for tonight. See you Wednesday !


AT said...

psst - your link to the comic goes to the google-related blog and not the xkcd strip that I wanna read!

faintdreams said...

Apologies! link fixed now :D

effie said...

This cake was created by the Google kitchen staff for the occasion of Randall Munroe coming to visit. You can see the talk at

Anonymous said...

 多重債務予防はキャッシング基礎知識の習得から。キャッシング を利用する前に,キャッシングの基礎知識をしっかりと習得しましょう。 ウィークリーマンション(マンスリーマンション)で当社おススメの物件情報を特集ごとに一覧で表示。さらに詳しく検索もできます!

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